Degenerazione Maculare Secca

Dry Age Related Macular Degeneration or Dry AMD is an eye condition that typically affects near and distance vision in 10% of the over 55's. The early symptoms are difficulty with reading small print. Dry AMD affects the retina at an area called the Macular. Multiple, small yellow deposits, called Drusen, form gradually at the Macular. It is thought that drusen are an accumulation of the breakdown products from cells in the retina. An increase in drusen can restrict the flow of nutrients to the retina, resulting in damage to the light sensitive photoreceptor cells. Approximately 10% of patients with dry AMD progress to an advanced form known as geographic atrophy, where a large area of the central retina is damaged resulting in significant loss of vision. Your eye-care practitioner will check for drusen as part of your ophthalmic examination.