Occhio Secco

The tear film keeps the eye moist, lubricated and nourished. Tears are made from three layers. Insufficient production of any of these components can result in dry eyes. The outermost layer is called the lipid layer. A thin lipid layer causes the tear film to evaporate. The middle watery layer nourishes and lubricates the eye. The watery layer of the tear film is produced by the lachrymal glands. Tears drain out through two small channels. Insufficient production results in dry eye. The mucin layer keeps the tear film stable. A thin Mucin layer can cause the tear film to destabilize and become dry. There are many signs and symptoms associated with dry eye. These include: soreness and grittiness, Debris around the eyelids in the morning. Dry eyes may also cause the eyes to water. You may even find that your vision blurs intermittently, requiring you to blink more frequently. Light sensitivity may also be associated with dry eyes.