Foro Maculare

A Macular hole most often affects people between the age of 60 to 80. They are twice as common in women compared to men. A macular hole forms at an area of the retina responsible for detailed vision. They're associated with persistent swelling of the central retina, and the presence of significant myopia or shortsightedness. When we need to see fine detail we use a specialised area on the retina called the macula. In the early stages, vision may be slightly blurred and even distorted. With age, the vitreous gel shrinks. Occasionally, the gel pulls on the macula. As it separates, it removes a section of the retina resulting in a macular hole. If a macular hole progresses then vision will change and you will notice the presence of a central dark patch that moves with your eye. Early treatment can reduce the risk of significant vision loss.