Degenerazione Maculare

There are a number of risk factors associated with AMD. Three important risk factors are: age, the presence of AMD in one eye and a family history of AMD. Other environmental risk factors include: sunlight exposure, smoking, heart disease, poor diet, light iris colour and longsightedness. It is generally regarded that these factors may be associated with the development of Age Related Macular Degeneration. Damage to the retina involves the formation of small, yellow deposits, called drusen. In addition, there is a loss of cells and sometimes the release of chemicals which can promote the growth of abnormal blood vessels. In a healthy retina, the macula pigment protects the eye from harmful U.V light. The macula pigment contains Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Macula pigment density has been shown to diminish with age, U.V exposure and other risk factors. As a result, its protective effect is reduced. The retina derives macula pigment exclusively from foods containing Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Macula supplements are an ideal source of these nutrients. Protect your eyes by wearing full-framed sunglasses and macula supplements.