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Nanolaser Cataract

Nanolaser Cataract

Laser nano-second cataract surgery is the latest enhancement to cataract removal. Unlike conventional surgery, where a mechanical ultrasound probe vibrates to breakdown the cataract, nano-laser cataract surgery uses a laser to emulsify the cataract into tiny pieces without any moving parts. The main advantage of cataract surgery performed using the nano-second laser is that the energy dispersion within the eye is only 5% compared to when Ultrasound is used to break down the lens. This improves the rate of healing, and has less impact on the endothelial cells. These cells are essential to guarantee the clarity of the cornea for the rest of the patient’s life. The final stage of surgery is the same as conventional surgery, where an artificial lens, or IOL, is gently placed into the eye. Laser nano-cataract surgery offers improved safety and faster visual recovery. Ask us for more information.

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