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IOL Trifocali

IOL Trifocali

During cataract or lens replacement surgery, the natural crystalline lens is replaced with an artificial lens or IOL. A standard monofocal IOL focusses light at only one distance. As a result, reading glasses are required for all near vision activities. Trifocal intraocular lenses, provide clear distance, intermediate and near vision. The IOL optimises vision for all distances using an innovative refractive and diffractive focussing technology. Below the age of 45, our eyes can focus at distance, intermediate and near. However, between 45 and 50 our eyes cannot focus well at near. When we reach over the age of 50, our eyes even struggle to see at middle distances. With modern-day lifestyles, this can have significant impact on the quality of life. The Trifocal IOL reinstates the ability to see at closer distances and significantly reduces dependency on reading glasses. There's even a toric Trifocal IOL that corrects Astigmatism. The choice of Modern IOL designs means that you can choose the optimal lens to fit with your lifestyle and needs. Trifocal IOLs are more suitable for patients who perform a mixture of activities ranging from distance vision, computer use and reading. If you tend to do more night driving and are sensitive to haloes and starbursts, Extended Depth of Focus IOLs are recommended as they cause minimal haloes around street lights and car headlights. However, reading glasses may be required for prolonged reading with Extended Depth of Focus IOLs. Discussing your vision requirements, hobbies and lifestyle with your Ophthalmologist forms an essential part of establishing the most optimum IOL for you.

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