During cataract or lens replacement surgery, the natural crystalline lens is replaced with an artificial lens or IOL. A standard monofocal IOL focusses light at only one distance. As a result, reading glasses are required for all near vision activities. Extended Depth of Focus (EDoF) IOL lenses, provide clear distance and intermediate vision by extending the focus of distance and intermediate light into one continuous focus. EDoF lenses reduce the effects of Presbyopia. Below the age of 45, our eyes can focus at distance, intermediate and near. However, between 45 and 50 our eyes cannot focus well at near. When we reach over the age of 50, our eyes even struggle to see at middle distances. With modern-day lifestyles, this can have significant impact on the quality of life. The Extended Depth of Focus IOL effectively reinstates the ability to see at closer distances and reduces dependency on reading glasses. There’s even an EDoF IOL that corrects Astigmatism. Compared to multifocal lenses, EDoF IOLs produce less night time glare. In addition, some EDoF lenses have a design that optimises contrast by reducing colour fringes induced by the eye. Your doctor will discuss your needs and requirements for various tasks and advise you on the most suitable options available. If you’re considering cataract or lens replacement surgery ask about Extended Depth of Focus IOLs.