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Intervento Cataratta

Intervento Cataratta

Cataracts cause clouding and light scatter in the crystalline lens. Surgery involves replacing the cloudy lens with a clear artifical lens. Cataract surgery is very safe; over 95% of people have an improvement in vision. Most surgery is performed with a local anaesthetic using either drops or an injection. Throughout surgery the eye is in its natural place. Surgery begins with a small incision to the front of the eye. A thin membrane on the front of the crystalline lens is carefully removed. The process of making a continuous circular opening is called a Capsulorrhexis. A special tool is used to break-up the cloudy cataract and remove it from the eye. Your surgeon will take care to remove any tiny fragments of the cataract. Once removed, an artificial lens is implanted in the eye and carefully centred. Stitches are not required during the majority of procedures as incisions are 'self sealing'.

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